Participation in surveys
Surveys and evaluations are carried out regularly in the IZeF's research projects. The aim is to improve teacher training. Make an important contribution by taking part - your participation counts!
Data protection
Your participation in surveys is subject to strict scientific criteria and all surveys are coordinated with the data protection office of the University of Cologne. A contact person is available for specific questions for each survey.
The results are evaluated and utilized exclusively within the framework of the scientific objectives specified in the respective project.
Thank you
As a rule, you will receive a financial thank you for your participation. Further information can be found in the individual surveys.
Participation is usually possible online at a time of your choice without much effort.
We at IZeF and the respective projects will be happy to answer any specific queries you may have.
☎ 0221-4706901
Current surveys
For student teachers
Studie zum Umgang mit Unterrichtsstörungen
Der Umgang mit Unterrichtsstörungen erweist sich als eine zentrale Herausforderung von (angehenden) Lehrkräften und wird im universitären Kontext meist wenig und abstrakt betrachtet.
Unterrichtsvideos ermöglichen es Lehr-/Lernprozesse im Kontext universitärer Lehre darzustellen und so Theorie und Praxis gewinnbringend zu verknüpfen.
Diese Studie untersucht die Möglichkeit von Unterrichtsvideos Störungen darzustellen und stellt die Bewertung solcher Unterrichtsvideos durch Lehramtsstudierende in den Fokus.
Unterstützen Sie uns auf dem Weg, Unterrichtsvideos in den universitären Alltag zu integrieren und nehmen Sie an der Befragung teil (Dauer 15-20 Minuten):
Als Dankeschön werden unter allen teilnehmenden Studierenden 10x20€ verlost.
For trainee teachers
For teachers in employment
For University teachers
Online study - university lecturers wanted!
For our study "Digital Media, Competences & Communication with Students" we are looking for German-speaking participants over the age of 18 who are currently teaching at a German university!
The integration of digital content and the teaching of digitalisation-related skills in university teaching have been in focus even before the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of this study is to analyse the views of lecturers at universities on this topic. The survey also looks at (digital) communication between lecturers and students at universities from the lecturers' perspective.
The questionnaire is expected to take around 12-15 minutes to complete. Participation is possible until 30.11.2023.
Click here to get to the survey.