Interdisciplinary Workshops
Twice a year, the scholars who are actively involved in the IZeF come together for an interdisciplinary workshop. This workshop is open to the public at the university and is also attended by interested colleagues and students. The focus is on varying topics and different research projects. Central to this is the exchange and understanding of who is currently working on what research topic, what subject expertise is available, and what goals should be collaborated on in the context of the IZeF. In each case it is jointly established which "thematic neighborhoods" and interfaces may be identified and which cooperation can be created or expanded on in the future. In addition to these collaborations, overarching goals and perspectives are agreed on within the framework of the IZeF, so that synergies can be created and used by the various participants.
Next IZeF-Workshop
20th IZeF workshop: How effective is teacher training? Insights into the work of the Emerging Group
The 20th IZeF workshop was held on the topic “How effective is teacher education? Insights into the work of the Emerging Group: Proving the Effectiveness of Teacher Education”. The following four lectures were held as part of the workshop:
Prof. Dr. Johannes König: “Research on the effectiveness of teacher education: an overview based on syntheses of literature reviews”
Hanna Rauterkus: “Emotional competencies of teachers - nice to have or core competence?”
Prof. Dr. Tim Engartner & Marie Heijens: “Is effective teacher education possible in Germany? Impressions of a pilot monitoring of political education in Germany”
Jonas Weyers: “Professional competencies of prospective teachers - An inventory of knowledge, beliefs and motivational-affective characteristics of students at the end of their teacher training program”
19th IZeF workshop: Digital strategy for teacher training in Cologne (DiSK) - assessment after 4 years and final DiSKussion
The 19th IZeF workshop was held on the topic of "Digital Strategy for Teacher Education in Cologne (DiSK) - Review after 4 years and final DiSKussion". The following four presentations summarised and discussed the conclusion of the DiSK project: "Digital Strategy for Teacher Education in Cologne - Sustainable Development of Competencies":
- Theoretical localisation and empirical recording of the ability to make decisions about the use of digital media: Results of an empirical study to assess the skill "Selecting digital material" of prospective maths teachers (Peter Gonscherowski*, Prof. Dr Benjamin Rott, Edith Lindenbauer, Prof. Dr Dr Kai Kaspar)
- DigGeoKöln - Presentation of the competence framework for digital geomedia and insights into a learning module on virtual geographies (Dr Dorothea Wiktorin*, Maximilian Keiser*)
- Professional knowledge of student teachers in ICT integration in the classroom: Analysis of the knowledge structure and the connections with learning opportunities (Sandra Heine*, Dr Matthias Krepf, Dr Daniela Julia Jäger-Biela, Kristina Ger-hard, Rebecca Stollenwerk, Prof. Dr Johannes König)
- Knowledge test-based promotion of digitalisation-related skills in German (Konstantin Gartfelder*, Dr Matthias Knopp, Prof. Dr Kirsten Schindler, Prof. Dr Jörg Jost)
18th IZeF workshop: Mental health in educational institutions
The 18th IZeF workshop took place on 28 April 2023 with around 40 participants on the topic of "Mental health in educational institutions". After a welcome by Prof. Dr Thomas Hennemann and Dr Sarah Strauß and an introduction to the topic by Prof. Dr Charlotte Hanisch, the topic was explored in four presentations by the IZeF research group Mental Health in Educational Institutions:
- PEARL+ - Psychische Auffälligkeiten bei Kindern und Jugendlichen in Förderschule und Jugendhilfe (Marie Schottel, Dr Tatjana Leidig, Paul Martin Müller, Dr Charlotte Hanisch & Prof. Dr Thomas Hennemann)
- Inselraum - a parent-child intervention to promote school readiness in children with developmental risks (Dr Stefanie Richard, Wiebke Heuter, Leona Wolff & Prof. Dr Charlotte Hanisch)
- Mental health competence among Cologne students - MATTERS (Dr Rainer Weber, Celina Karger, Prof. Dr Timo Kolja Pförtner)
- Development and evaluation of a teacher training programme to support pupils with ADHD (Lotta Balters, Prof. Dr Charlotte Hanisch)
This was followed by a joint discussion.
You can find the detailed programme here.
17th IZeF workshop: Language education
The 17th IZeF workshop took place on 18 November 2022 with around 40 participants.
Various research activities from the IZeF research group "Language Education" (spokesperson: Prof. Dr Petra Hanke) were discussed in four presentations:
- Standardised assessment of language and text comprehension as part of study skills - A knowledge test for use as an online self-assessment for students and prospective students (Prof. Dr. Johannes König, Dr. Stefan Klemenz, Jonas Weyers, Prof. Dr. Albert Bremerich-Vos)
- VERA-BiSS. Professionalisation of teachers for data-supported support and lesson development with VERA data (Prof. Dr. Jörg Jost, Dr. Daria Ferencik-Lehmkuhl, Charlotte Stehr)
- Drop-out in literacy and basic education: Analysis of causes and prevention options (DRAG) - Initial analyses of strategies for dealing with course drop-outs from the perspective of lecturers and educational planners (Gwennaëlle Mulliez, Prof. Dr. Michael Schemmann, Lena Sindermann)
- Connections between the teaching method, the (subject-related) didactic convictions, the teachers' professional knowledge and the students' performance (WibaLeS project) (Prof Dr Petra Hanke, Janine Topoll, Prof Dr Johannes König, Jonas Weyers, Prof Dr Thorsten Pohl, Chantal Knips, Prof Dr Michael Becker-Mrotzek, Prof Dr Alfred Schabmann, Prof Dr Birgit Träuble)
This was followed by a discussion of the presentations with the panellist Prof. Dr Elmar Souvignier (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster).
Detailed information on the programme can be found here.
16th IZeF workshop: Digital strategy for teacher training in Cologne: Developing competences sustainably (DiSK)
The 16th IZeF workshop on the topic of "Digital Strategy for Teacher Education in Cologne: Developing Competencies Sustainably (DiSK)" was once again held in digital format on 13 May and was attended by around 50 people. Various research activities from the IZeF research group "Media and Digitalisation" (spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Dr. Kai Kaspar) were presented and discussed in four exciting presentations.
- How do prospective and trained maths teachers justify the use of digital technologies in the classroom? First results of an interview study (Peter Gonscherowski)
- Digital learning and the switch to online operation at German universities in spring 2020 from a student perspective (Thomas Hoss)
- Modelling digitalisation-related competences in the German teacher training programme (Konstantin Gartfelder)
- The concept of the "digital resource" and the associated competences of (prospective) teachers (Sandra Heine)
Detailed information on the programme can be found here.
15th IZeF-Workshop: Competence Measurement and Examination of the Effectiveness of Teacher Education in the Field of Action Quality Assurance of the Future Strategy Teacher Education (ZuS)
The 15th IZeF workshop focused on the topic "Competence Measurement and Examination of the Effectiveness of Teacher Education in the Field of Action Quality Assurance of the Future Strategy Teacher Education (ZuS)". After a welcome and an introduction to the field of competence measurement by Prof. Dr. Johannes König, four presentations from different research projects on the topic were given and current research questions were discussed:
- Digitization-related competence development of teachers during school closures in 2020 and 2021 - testing and self-assessments of teachers in comparison (Dr. Daniela Jäger-Biela and Prof. Dr. Johannes König).
- Inclusive pedagogical knowledge and inclusive beliefs of future elementary school teachers - first results of a pilot study (Christian Elting, Prof. Dr. Sonja Ertl, Dr. Saskia Liebner)
- Lesson planning competence of ( aspiring ) secondary school German teachers (Prof. Dr. Johannes König, Franca Cammann, Prof. Dr. Albert Bremerich-Vos, Dr. Christiane Buchholtz)
- Technological pedagogical knowledge (TPK) of prospective teachers during the pandemic: analyses of learning opportunities and TPK (Kristina Gerhard, Dr. Daniela Jäger-Biela, Prof. Dr. Johannes König)
This was followed by a discussion of the presentations with the discussant Prof. Dr. Cornelia Gräsel (Bergische Universität Wuppertal).
Information about the program can be found here (in German language).
14th IZeF workshop: Persistence and change in School, Teaching and teaching-profession
The 14th IZeF-Workshop took place in May 2021 in a digital format. After a welcome by Prof. Dr. Johannes König, the Topic of the newly founded IZeF-research-group: “Persistence and change in School, Teaching and teaching-profession” was briefly introduced by Prof. Dr. Matthias Martens (Speaker of "Persistence and change"). The main Part of the Workshop was filled with Presentation, focusing on different aspects of the Topic:
- - Persistence and change of interaction practices, processes, and structures in tablet-supported classes (Prof. Dr. Matthias Proske, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Herrle, Dr. Markus Hoffmann & Juliane Spiegler)
- - Norm and practice of multiprofessional cooperation. Persistences and Change from the Perspective of the Sociology of Knowledge. (Prof. Dr. Matthias Martens & Michael Ehlscheid)
- - Oral Examinations in the Context of Research-Based Learning. Programmatic expectations and normative orders in a subjectivation-theoretical perspective. (Prof. Dr. Petra Herzmann)
The Workshop ended with an open discussion with Prof. Dr. Till-Sebastian Idel and Prof. Dr. Michael Schemmann. We would like thank all 50 participant for attending our Workshop and all speakers for their presentations.
The detailed program can be found here (in German language).
13th IZeF workshop: Mental Health in Educational Institutions
In November 2020, the 13th IZeF workshop on the topic of the newly founded IZeF research group "Mental Health in Educational Institutions" took place - meanwhile the second IZeF workshop held digitally. We would like to thank more than 30 participants and speakers. After the welcome by Prof. Dr. Johannes König and an introduction by Prof. Dr. Charlotte Hanisch (speaker of the IZeF research group) and Prof. Dr. Thomas Hennemann, four projects were presented and discussed: Mental Health from a Preschool Perspective: MUTIG (Prof. Dr. Charlotte Hanisch), Mental Health from a School Perspective: PEARL (Dr. Tatjana Leidig), Mental Health from a Clinical Perspective: ADOPT (Anne Ritschel) and Mental Health from a University Perspective (Dr. Rainer Weber).
The program can be found here (in German language).
12th IZeF workshop: Media and Digitalization
For the very first time, an IZeF workshop was held in digital form (via zoom), whereby not only the planning but also the procedure was adapted to this format. Round about 40 persons participated.
During the workshop, a total of four projects from different research projects on the topic of "Media and Digitalization" were presented in two lecture blocks and current research questions were discussed together. After an introduction to the Working Group "Media and Digitalization" by Prof. Dr. Dr. Kai Kaspar, the first part of the workshop dealt with the topics "Students - Media - University" ( Sandra Hofhues (University of Cologne)) and "Hybrid Problem-Based Learning in Educational Sciences" ( Silke Marchand (University of Cologne)). The second block included the lectures "The Virtual School Board (VSB) as a Tool for Multi-Professional Development Plan Work" (Prof. Dr. Dennis Christian Hövel, Silvia Fränkel & Prof. Dr. Thomas Hennemann (University of Cologne)) and "Computer Games in Sports Education? Longitudinal effects of a commercial computer game on learning, fun and motivation to learn" (Marco Rüth & Prof. Dr. Dr. Kai Kaspar (University of Cologne)).
The program can be found here (in German language).
11th IZeF Workshop: Language education
In the context of this workshop, four presentations were given in the field of "Language Education". Prof. Dr. Keller of the University of Education FHNW first gave an introduction to the perspectives for empirical research. Afterwards, three projects located at the IZeF and currently running were presented: One by Prof. Dr. Bremerich-Vos of the University of Duisburg-Essen and two by professors of the Faculty of Human Sciences of the University of Cologne (Prof. Dr. Roth & Prof. Dr. König):
- Language education - perspectives for empirical research in subject didactics and teacher training
(Prof. Dr. Stefan D. Keller, University of Education FHNW, University of Basel) - Project COLD - Competencies of school teachers and adult educators in teaching German as a second language in linguistically diverse classrooms
(Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Roth, University of Cologne, Faculty of Human Sciences) - Project ST:ST - Test theoretical foundation and piloting of the Studiport knowledge test for language and text comprehension
(Prof. Dr. Albert Bremerich-Vos, University of Duisburg-Essen) - Planning competence of teachers in the field of language education
(Prof. Dr. Johannes König, University of Cologne, Faculty of Human Sciences)
10th IZeF Workshop: Research cooperation between the IZeF and the Institute for Educational Research of the University of Wuppertal
The focus was on the research cooperation between the IZeF and the Institute for Educational Research of the University of Wuppertal (Chapter 4.2). Within the framework of this cooperation, common research projects have been applied for and carried out since 2016 with the focus on "Adaptivity in schools and teaching". In the workshop four new project ideas were presented, which were in different phases of the application process: In addition to a planned graduate college ( Cornelia Gräsel, Prof. Dr. Johannes Naumann), the projects TabU - Tablets in the classroom (Jun.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Herrle), What role does cognitive system use play for the diagnostic competence of teachers? (Dr. Gino Casale) as well as Competencies of teachers in adaptive teaching (Prof. Dr. Johannes König) were presented and discussed.
9th IZeF Workshop: Teacher competences and teaching quality in the context of professionalism
Within the framework of four project presentations, the focus of the workshop was examined and discussed from different perspectives. As well as an external guest from the University of Hamburg ( Dr. Gabriele Kaiser) there were two contributions from the Faculty of Arts ( Dr. Heike Lindner, Prof. Dr. Thorsten Pohl) and one from the Faculty of Human Sciences (Nina Glutsch).
- Quality of teaching from a mathematics teaching perspective and its interconnection with teacher competences
(Prof.'in Dr. Gabriele Kaiser, University of Hamburg) - Professional knowledge of teachers, quality of teaching and learning progress of pupils in basic reading and writing (WibaLeS)
(Prof. Dr. Thorsten Pohl, University of Cologne, Faculty of Arts and Humanities) - The potential of Trinitarian thought movements for education. A project to resolve the lack of complexity in teaching in religious education
(Prof.'in Dr. Heike Lindner, University of Cologne, Faculty of Arts and Humanities) - Motivation characteristics of prospective teachers from a domain-specific perspective
(Nina Glutsch, University of Cologne, Faculty of Human Sciences)
8th IZeF Workshop: Inclusive education and dealing with heterogeneity
In this workshop, the focus was, for the first time, on projects and initiatives dealing with inclusion at the University of Cologne other than those offered by the IZeF. The working group on inclusion research, the SINTER competence field, the PARTI project and the Swiss KoKoLek project were presented. In addition to providing information about the activities, the main focus was on stimulating exchange, creating synergies and establishing and strengthening cooperation. All presented projects and initiatives offer different possibilities with respect to participation. Please do not hesitate to contact us.
7th IZeF Workshop: Media and digitalization
The aim of the workshop was to present the new and fourth working group on Media and Digitalization, which had previously been decided on by the Board of Directors. With this working group, the IZeF also aims to deal with a very current challenge in empirical research on teaching. A holistic and interdisciplinary perspective against the background of a broad concept of media is, in particular for this working group, a declared goal, which is why cooperation between different departments and disciplines is envisaged.
6th IZeF Workshop: New research cooperation with the Institute for Research in Education of the University of Wuppertal
The workshop served to present and discuss the newly established research cooperation with the Institute for Research in Education (IfB) of the University of Wuppertal, which is linked to the IZeF, and to gauge possibilities for participation. In the immediate run-up to this, a collaborative meeting of the IZeF and the IfB took place in October 2016, in which many scholars active in the IZeF also participated. Thematically, the research cooperation with the working title "Adaptivity at Schools and in the Classroom as a Response to the Increasing Heterogeneity of Pupils" ties in with the priorities of the three IZeF working groups, so that strategic planning for participation in cooperative DFG proposals could be further developed.
5th IZeF Workshop: Definition of the titles and priorities of three IZeF working groups
In this workshop, the three working groups (1) Competence measurement and effectiveness research in teacher education, (2) Language education and (3) Inclusion and social participation were refined as new focal points and adopted as titles by three corresponding working groups.
4th IZeF Workshop: Announcement and opening of various participation opportunities within the framework of the quality offensive for teacher training
The focus of the workshop in October 2015 was on the development of possibilities for scholars active in the IZeF to participate in the Cologne project "Future strategies in teacher education" (ZuS), funded within the framework of the "Quality offensive for teacher training” in particular by participating in individual quality assurance measures. Evolving from this, the project group of the ZuS sub-project "Quality Assurance" was further developed. Since then, it has met regularly and, for example, has jointly developed and compiled survey instruments for the annual education monitoring that takes place as part of ZuS or has cooperatively carried out evaluation studies to ensure the effectiveness of innovative ZuS teaching measures.
3rd IZeF Workshop: Formation of thematic content areas of the IZeF in the form of a working group cluster
The aim of this workshop was to amalgamate the various research approaches and projects in the context of IZeF into a meaningful cluster structure with regard to content in order to form actionable working groups. In the run-up to the workshop, three first working groups were formed, which had the opportunity to report on the current status of their projects or plans, to define interfaces and, thus, to advance the exchange within the IZeF.
2nd IZeF Workshop: Teacher competencies from the perspective of the various disciplines
Following on from the exchange with respect to content in the first IZeF workshop, the second workshop focused on the field of "Teacher competencies from the perspective of the various disciplines". The following questions/aspects guided the discussion:
- Qualities, forms and types of teacher knowledge
- Questions of terminology
- Relation between knowledge, ability, performance
- necessary teaching/learning processes for the acquisition of competences in teacher training and in further teacher education
1st IZeF Workshop: Diskussion about the Research Topics of the IZeF
So far, four different thematic fields have been formulated as the first objective with respect to the content of the IZeF's work.
- Research on Teacher Competencies
- Research on the effectiveness of teacher training
- transfer research
- Research on institutionalized teaching-learning processes
In the workshop, these thematic errors were once again presented for discussion with respect to presented current research projects and/or planned research ideas of the participants and updated with a view to initiating possible cooperation.