Participation in conferences (selection)
IZeF projects are regularly represented at recognised conferences in the field of research in education and teaching, among others, to make results public and to engage in exchange and discussion with those scholars who are active in the field.
Conference dates can be found in the Newsletter and in the Calendar.
Presentations and posters
Gonscherowski, P., & Rott, B. (2024). The selection of digital learning materials as an approach to assess digital literacy for teacher education effectiveness. Symposium at the 11th GEBF conference. Potsdam 18-20.03.2024.
König, J. (2024). Does teacher education work? Answers from empirical research to a long-standing question. Keynote at the Research Colloquium on Teaching and Professional Research at the University of Münster. 07.05.2024.
König, J. (2024). Does teacher education work? Interdisciplinary perspectives and empirical findings on competence acquisition and professionalization of (prospective) teachers. Keynote at the winter conference of the research network school language didactics nets21. 29.01.2024.
König, J., Heine, S., Kramer, C., Weyers, J., Becker-Mrotzek, M., Großschedl, J., Hanisch, C., Hanke, P., Hennemann, T., Jost, J., Kaspar, K., Rott, B., & Strauß, S. (2024). Effectiveness of teacher education as a research paradigm: A synthesis of 27 literature reviews. Symposium at the 11th GEBF conference. Potsdam 18-20.03.2024.
Kramer, Ch., Strauß, S., & König, J. (2024). Effektiv(e) Klassenführung lernen - Von der Intervention zur Implementation einer videobasierten Lehrveranstaltung zur Förderung der professionellen Kompetenz bei Lehramtsstudierenden. Presentation at the conference "Videobasiert, barrierefrei, kollaborativ: Perspektiven für eine innovative Lehrkräftebildung" at the Technical University of Dortmund. Dortmund 23.11.2024.
Rauterkus, H., Hennemann, T., Hagen, T., Krull, J., Nitz, J., Eiben, K., Kulawiak, P., Verbeck, L., & Hanisch, C. (2024). Emotion regulation ability predicts stress experience in teachers at inclusive elementary school in North Rhine-Westphalia. Symposium at the 11th GEBF conference. Potsdam 18-20.03.2024.
Sommerer, P., König, J., Großmann, N., & Großschedl, J. (2024). Effects of learner feedback on the development of lesson planning competence in the practical semester. Poster at the 25th Spring School of the Didactics of Biology Section of the VBIO. Lüneburg 04.03.-07.03.2024.
Strauß, S., Kramer, C., König, J., Arnold, S., & Darge, K. (2024). Effective(ly) learning classroom management - Effectiveness of instructional videos in university teacher training to promote professional competence. Symposium at the 11th GEBF conference. Potsdam 18-20.03.2024.
Bastian, A., Weyers, J., König, J., Kaiser, G. (2023). Influence of (extended) school practice phases on professional teaching perceptions. Symposium at the 10th GEBF Conference. Duisburg-Essen 28.02.- 02.03.2023
Heine, S., Gerhard, K., Jäger-Biela, D., König, J. (2023). Interdisciplinary knowledge facets as part of professional digital competence in student teachers: Results on structure and correlations with learning opportunities. Individual contribution at the 10th GEBF conference. Duisburg-Essen 28.02.- 02.03.2023
Huber, C., Spilles, M., Nicolay, P., Hennemann, T., Grosche, M., König, J. (2023). Behavioral problems and social integration - what influence do teachers' classroom management skills have in inclusive classrooms? Individual contribution at the 10th GEBF conference. Duisburg-Essen 28.02.- 02.03.2023
Kaiser, G, König, J. (2023). Teacher Nothing - Results of a systematic literature review on conceptualizations, research design and study results. Symposium at the 10th GEBF conference. Duisburg-Essen 28.02.- 02.03.2023
König, J. (as discussant, 2023). From knowledge to performance of teachers: Contributions to the assessment of competence facets in the integrative understanding of competence
Krepf, M., König, J. (2023.) Profiles of cognitive requirements to describe the instructional planning competence of (prospective) teachers: A latent class analysis. Individual contribution at the 10th GEBF conference. Duisburg-Essen 28.02.- 02.03.2023
Rüth, M., Kaspar, K. (2023). Online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic: How students' perceptions, engagement and performance in higher education are related to their personal characteristics. Individual contribution at the 10th GEBF conference. Duisburg-Essen 28.02.- 02.03.2023
Salzmann, S., Strauß, S., König, J., Kaspar, K. (2023). Description and evaluation of a video-based self-learning module for student teachers to train professional classroom perception with a focus on classroom management. Symposium at the 10th GEBF conference. Duisburg-Essen 28.02.- 02.03.2023
Weyers, J., Kramer, C., Kaspar, K., König, J. (2023). Measuring decision making in classroom management in a standardized way - On the use of a video-based test instrument for entry into the teaching profession. Symposium at the 10th GEBF Conference. Duisburg-Essen 28.02.- 02.03.2023
König, J. (as discussant; 2022). Multidisciplinary evaluation of digital teaching-learning tools to promote competence in university teacher education. Symposium at the 9th GEBF conference. Bamberg 09.-11.03.2022
Mansius, Z., Salzmann, S., König, J., Kaspar, K. (2022). Design options for a digital self-learning module to promote the professional perception of classroom management. Poster at the 9th GEBF conference. Bamberg 09-11-03-2022
Mansius, Z., Salzmann, S., König, J., Kaspar, K., (2022). Digital media in institutional informal learning settings: A systematic literature review. Symposium at the 9th GEBF Conference. Bamberg 09.-11.03.2022
Jäger-Biela, D., König, J. (2021). Teaching at a distance and digital competences of teachers during school closures 2020 and 2021 - A longitudinal study of continuing education activities. Session: Digital competences and professionalization of teachers. digiGEBF2021 22-23.04.2021.
Conference organization
The IZeF was involved in the planning and organization of the following conferences:
- GEBF 2019
- GEBF Young Researchers Conference 2019
- KoKoH round table 2019
- IMTE 2019 - International Meeting on Teacher Education