Anniversary year 2024
IZeF turns 10 years old
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You can find a report on the IZeF and the 10th anniversary of the center in the current issue of the Cologne University Magazine.
IZeF turns 10 years old
The IZeF has now been in existence for 10 years as a scientific institution of the Faculty of Human Sciences at the University of Cologne. This is the occasion for various activities in the anniversary year and the big anniversary celebration on June 13, 2024 under the motto "It depends on the teacher and their teaching. 10 years of empirical professional and teaching research at the IZeF of the University of Cologne."
Anniversary volume
On the occasion of IZeF's 10th anniversary, it is time for a summary of core results from various research projects. The anniversary volume provides an overview of what has been achieved, examines examples in greater depth and at the same time highlights the IZeF's key development prospects for the coming years. The thematic focus of the IZeF lies in the areas of competence measurement and effectiveness of teacher education, media and digitalization, language education, persistence and change in schools, teaching and the teaching profession as well as mental health in educational institutions. Two research projects from each of these five areas are presented as examples in this volume. Two further chapters reflect on and take stock of the interdisciplinary research carried out by the IZeF to date from the perspective of special education and subject didactics.
König, J., Hanisch, C., Hanke, P., Hennemann, T., Kaspar, K., Martens, M., & Strauß, S. (eds.) (2024). It depends on the teacher and their teaching. Ten years of empirical profession and teaching research at the IZeF of the University of Cologne. Münster: Waxmann. Download
Anniversary celebration
Our anniversary celebration took place on June 13 to mark the 10th anniversary of IZeF. With more than 100 participants in person and digitally as well as a varied program with various lectures and discussion panels, the IZeF was examined from the first idea to today's developments.
A special highlight of the anniversary celebration was the graphic recording, which was created live during the celebration. The anniversary was an occasion to celebrate, remember and look ahead. The graphic recording illustrates the many inspiring speeches, significant successes and wonderful moments of the celebration.

Impressions of the IZeF anniversary celebration 2024
Anniversary lectures
To mark the tenth anniversary of the IZeF, four lectures were held as part of the "Innovation & Profession" research methods lecture (event number: 14400.0000) by Prof. Herzmann and Prof. König. In addition to the students, external guests were also cordially invited! In addition to the insight into exciting research projects, there was the opportunity to exchange ideas with the scientists present.
IZeF Anniversary tree
To mark the 10th anniversary of the IZeF and in the spirit of "sustainable research", the IZeF planted a tree on the campus of the Faculty of Human Sciences and took over the sponsorship of the newly planted rowan tree.

We would like to thank the University Foundation, the University and City Library of Cologne and the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Human Sciences for their support!