Completed projects
(listed alphabetically)
Analysis Competence of Teachers - Diagnosis and Development (Part 1)
Teachers must be able to analyse their lessons professionally. The aim of the project "Analysis Competence of Teachers - Diagnosis and Development" was to develop a test to measure this competence. For this purpose, four groups of respondents were examined: with each group consisting of 200 students, teacher trainees, teachers and institute directors. They were presented with a lesson on video (subject: physics) and a questionnaire, the answers to which represented the analysis of the lesson.
Further information is to find at the project homepage.
Project management: Prof. Dr. Wilfried Plöger, Dr. Daniel Scholl (University of Vechta)
Project duration: 2010-2012

Analytical competence of teachers - diagnostics and development (part 2)
The continuation of the research project has two main objectives:
- Validation of the construct Analysis competence
- Examination of the development of analytical competence in the second training phase
These two objectives will be achieved through three sub-projects:
- How do experts and novices analyse lessons? - A qualitative approach (Matthias Krepf)
- Which influence does didactic-methodical knowledge have on the development of analytical competence? - Empirical testing of prognostic validity (Prof. Dr. Wilfried Plöger, Dr. Daniel Scholl)
- How analytical competence develops in the second phase of training (teacher training) - a longitudinal study (Prof. Dr. Wilfried Plöger, Dr. Daniel Scholl, University of Cologne; Prof. Dr. Andreas Seifert, University of Lüneburg)
Further information is to find at the project homepage.
Project management: Prof. Dr. Wilfried Plöger, Dr. Daniel Scholl (University of Vechta)
Project duration: 2014-2017

APPLAus - Analysis of the practical teacher training semester
At present, the practical semester at many universities in Germany represents a new, obligatory element of practical teacher training, which replaces the previous teaching internships of university teacher training. The reform aims at the provision of extended practical learning opportunities in schools. Prospective teachers have to analyse their observations in school and teaching practice against a theoretical background and plan, test and reflect on their pedagogical actions, whereby the connection to an academic teacher training is decisive. Thus, the professional competence to be developed during the practical semester not only refers to the acquisition of teaching skills, but also includes aspects such as a knowledge-based ability to analyse teaching situations or the research-based evaluation of teaching. In order to optimally design and further develop the practical teaching semester in the education district of Cologne, the University of Cologne evaluates it with the aid of the accompanying study APPLAus (Analysis of the practical teaching semester: Pilot study on learning effectiveness in the education district of Cologne - competence development of students).
Further information is to find at the project homepage.
Project management: Prof. Dr. Johannes König (University of Cologne) and Myrle Dziak-Mahler (Centre for Teacher Education, University of Cologne)
Funding: own funds
Project duration: 2014-2016
"On the Way to an Inclusive School System" - A Qualification Measure for facilitators in North Rhine-Westphalia
Within the framework of a large-scale qualification procedure of the Ministry for School and Continuing Education of North Rhine-Westphalia, approx. 300 facilitators are being trained in the interdisciplinary areas of emotional-social development, language and learning. The measure is being evaluated by the Chair for Educational Assistance and Social-Emotional Development Support in cooperation with a working group from the University of Oldenburg. Thereby the quality of qualification and further training as well as the individual effects are to be collected four times during the survey. In addition, an implementation analysis is to be carried out, which will look at the conditions that promote or hinder the implementation of the measure.
Further information can be found on the project homepage.
Project Management: Prof. Dr. Thomas Hennemann (University of Cologne) & Prof. Dr. Clemens Hillenbrand (University of Oldenburg)
Project duration: 2011 - 2018
Literature (selection):
Hennemann, T., Hillenbrand, C., Casale, G., & Hagen, T. (2015). Anwendungsbezogene Materialien der landesweiten Qualifizierung »Auf dem Weg zum inklusiven Schulsystem«. Medienbrief Lernmedien und Inklusion des LVR-Zentrums für Medien und Bildung, (1), 17-19.
Hennemann, T., Casale, G., Fitting-Dahlmann, K., Hövel, D. C., Hagen, T., Leidig, T., Melzer, C., Grosche, M., Wilbert, J., Hillenbrand, C., & Vierbuchen, M. C. (2017). Konzeption, Evaluation und erste Befunde eines landesweiten Qualifizierungsprogrammes zur Umsetzung von Inklusion in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Zeitschrift für Heilpädagogik, 68(11), 532-544.

CME - Classroom Management Expertise
The object of the CME research project is the identification and classification of the characteristics of Classroom Management Expertise (CME) among teachers, which constitutes a crucial component of teaching quality and teacher professionalism. Against the background of research needs, the CME project aims to identify the characteristics of classroom management expertise. The newly gained findings form the starting point for the development of a standardised test instrument and the development of a competency model.
Further information can be found on the project homepage.
Project Management: Prof. Dr. Johannes König (University of Cologne)
Project duration: 2011-2019
Literature (selection):
König, J. (2015). Measuring Classroom Management Expertise (CME) of Teachers: A Video-Based Assessment Approach and Statistical Results. Cogent Education, 2(1), 991178. Download PDF
König, J., & Lebens, M. (2012). Classroom Management Expertise (CME) von Lehrkräften messen: Überlegungen zur Testung mithilfe von Videovignetten und erste empirische Befunde. Lehrerbildung auf dem Prüfstand, 5(1), 3-29.
König, J., & Rothland, M. (2016). Klassenführungswissen als Ressource der Burnout-Prävention? Zum Nutzen von pädagogisch-psychologischem Wissen im Lehrerberuf. Unterrichtswissenschaft, 44(4), 425-441.
"Coaches for inclusive education - Professional inclusion of life-experienced, severely disabled academics to support the school-based inclusion of disabled pupils"
The project "Coaches for inclusive education" has had two basic objectives. 1. the funding of inclusion in regular schools and 2. the professional integration of severely disabled, predominantly older academics. The means to achieve these goals was the conception of a new job profile “Coaches for inclusive education”, which instrumentalizes the own disability experience supplemented by a broad training as a basis for an advisory activity in the field of school inclusion.
Project team:
Annika Bartling (University of Cologne), Prof. Dr. Thomas Hennemann (University of Cologne) in Cooperation with mittendrin e.V.
Project duration: 2015-2018
Literature (selection):
Bartling, A., & Hennemann, T. (2018). Wesentliche Erkenntnisse der wissenschaftlichen Begleitevaluation. In E.-M. Thoms, & S. von der Burg (Hrsg.), Coaches für inklusive Bildung Menschen mit Behinderung unterstützen inklusive Schulen - Ein Projektbericht (S. 71-93). Books on Demand: Norderstedt.

Cologne Area of Educational and Empirical Research (CAREER) - cross-faculty networking of educational research at the University of Cologne
Various disciplines and departments at the University of Cologne work in areas of research in education - in the broader or the narrower sense. At the University of Cologne which is a university of excellence, they find themselves in a thriving research environment. This is the starting point of a cross-faculty initiative established by the Rectorate of the University of Cologne: CAREER - "Cologne Areas of Educational and Empirical Research". The aim of this initiative was to generate, for the first time, an overview of the fields of (empirical) research in education that already exist at the University of Cologne. In 2016/2017, a survey of participating actors (especially professors) was conducted and the results of the survey were presented back to the interviewees in a report which was presented to the Rectorate of the University of Cologne in spring 2017. On the basis of the results, an exchange between the actors was initiated with the aim of identifying common research goals and interests and subsequently to strengthen initiated collaborations and make them visible both within and outside the university. At the same time, the funding situation in Germany, Europe and the USA was mapped out and made accessible to the members of the research network. Funding opportunities appropriate to the competence fields of the research network were identified and external partners were gained as "Critical Friends", whose expertise is intended to support the development of auspicious applications for research funding (third-party funding).
CAREER is an inter-faculty initiative carried out by three institutions: the Interdisciplinary Research Centre for education experts in the Humanities (IFDG, Director: Prof. Dr. Holger Thünemann), the Institute for the teaching of Physics (Prof. Dr. André Bresges) and the IZeF (Prof. Dr. Johannes König). These three institutions of the CAREER initiative represent the research in education of the Faculties of Arts, Mathematics and Natural Sciences and Human Sciences.
To the homepage of CAREER
Funding: Rectorate of the University of Cologne
Project duration: 2010-2013

DOCommunication - Key competence first interview: A game-based training for doctor-patient communication
Conducting a successful initial interview is a key competence of future doctors. The development of this competence is the aim of the project. Therefore, the video-based learning environment DOCommunication will be set up, in which students can train first interviews in a playful way. In the long term, DOCommunication should guarantee an authentic, effective and satisfying training of medical conversation skills.
Further information is to find at the project homepage and here.
Project team: Prof. Dr. Dr. Kai Kaspar (University of Cologne), Prof. Dr. Christian Albus (University of Cologne), Dr. Rainer Weber (University of Cologne), Marco Rüth (University of Cologne), Nicolas-Alexander Seiffert (University of Cologne)
Project duration: 2017-2019

EMW - Development of career-specific motivation and pedagogical knowledge in teacher training
In view of urgent questions regarding the reform of teacher training and the measures needed to ensure its quality, there is currently a lack of multi-level analytical longitudinal studies on the effectiveness of teacher training that provide information on the influence of institutionally varying learning opportunities on the acquisition of professionally relevant knowledge and the development of training-relevant, profession-specific motivations of prospective teachers.
The aim of the project "Development of profession-specific motivation and pedagogical knowledge in teacher training" (EMW) was the differentiated description and longitudinal modeling of process and result variables of the educational science (synonym: educational science, pedagogical) segment of university teacher training in order to be able to make statements on effectiveness that have been lacking to date. To this end, pedagogical knowledge and career-specific motivational characteristics of student teachers in the first semester and at other points in their studies were recorded, curricular requirements were analyzed at institutional level (document analysis), learning opportunities were surveyed in standardized form, and other individual initial characteristics of the prospective teachers (via a link to the "Career Counselling for Teachers" database) were taken into account and checked.
Students with different teaching qualifications from over 30 universities in Germany, Austria and Switzerland were included as countries with cultural and linguistic similarities, but in some cases very different school and teacher training structures, in order to be able to make cross-institutional and system-comparative statements. The EMW study was expected to provide new and substantial findings on the development of the professional skills of prospective teachers and on the effectiveness of teacher training in education and educational science that go far beyond the results of the existing study "Longitudinal Survey of Pedagogical Skills of Student Teachers" (LEK), which acts as a precursor study. In addition, the implementation of the EMW study in the three German-speaking countries should bring together the previously intensive but unconnected research efforts in the respective national contexts in a project context and consolidate them within the framework of an international research network to be established in the context of the EMW study.
Participants: Kerstin Darge (University of Cologne), Dr. Nina Glutsch (University of Cologne), Dr. Stefan Klemenz (University of Cologne), Dr. Rudy Ligtvoet (University of Cologne), Dipl.-Päd. Melanie Lünnemann (University of Cologne), Dr. Sarantis Tachtsoglou (former University of Cologne)
Project management: Prof. Dr. Johannes König (University of Cologne), Prof. Dr. Martin Rothland (University of Münster)
Project duration: 2011-2019
Funding: Rhein-Energie Foundation

Development and testing of a mobile quiz game for teaching and self-directed learning (Quizard)
The "Quizard" project aims to expand the learning opportunities for students at the University of Cologne with a mobile and playful quiz application. So far, computer-based learning in the ILIAS learning management system has generally taken place through the joint production or reception of digital content. Within the framework of this project, the possibilities of e-learning are to be supplemented by a quiz game that can be used for mobile purposes. In addition to mobility, this should enrich learning in particular with a playful component (gamification).
Further information is to find at the project homepage.
Project management: Dr. Johannes Breuer and Prof. Dr. Dr. Kai Kaspar (University of Cologne)
Project duration: 2015-2019

Development and evaluation of a combined model of diagnostics and support for the learning and social behaviour of pupils
The systematic combination of diagnostics and support has a positive influence on the effectiveness of school-based support and can, thus, make a significant contribution to the prevention of behavioural disorders (e.g. Grosche & Volpe, 2013; Huber & Grosche, 2012; Volpe, Briesch & Chafouleas, 2013). There is still potential for development in German-speaking countries in the case of such a systematic combination, which is characterised by the application of universal behavioural screenings or the examination of concrete support measures through behavioural diagnostics (e.g. Casale & Hennemann, 2015; Grosche, Hennemann, Volpe & Casale, 2015). In an international research project conducted by the Universities of Cologne and Wuppertal and the Northeastern University in Boston, MA (USA), a model for the systematic combination of diagnostics and support for the German-speaking region is being developed and evaluated. Based on a universal diagnosis by means of behavioral screenings, evidence-based behavioral support measures are to be implemented in schools, such as the “KlasseKinderSpiel” (class child game) (Hillenbrand & Pütz, 2008), and their effectiveness evaluated in individual cases by means of behavioral progression diagnostics. In order to optimise the model with regard to a successful implementation, all actors involved (e.g. teachers, school principals) should be involved in the process of (further) development (Hagermoser Sanetti & Kratochwill, 2009).
Project team:
Dr. Gino Casale (University of Wuppertal)
Prof. Dr. Thomas Hennemann (University of Cologne)
Prof. Dr. Michael Grosche (University of Wuppertal)
Prof. Dr. Robert J. Volpe (Northeastern University, Boston, USA)
Prof. Dr. Amy M. Briesch (Northeastern University, Boston, USA)
Society for the Study of School Psychology (SSSP)/ International School Psychology Association (ISPA): International Research Grant (Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Michael Grosche)
Jacobs Foundation: Marbach Residence Program (PI: Prof. Dr. Robert J. Volpe)
Special Needs Education Academy: Project Funding of Innovative Research Projects
Project duration: 2014-2019
Literature (selection):
Casale, G., Hennemann, T., Volpe, R. J., Briesch, A. M., & Grosche, M. (2015). Generalisierbarkeit und Zuverlässigkeit von Direkten Verhaltensbeurteilungen des Lern- und Arbeitsverhaltens in einer inklusiven Grundschulklasse. Empirische Sonderpädagogik, 7(3), 258-268.
Grosche, M., & Volpe, R. J. (2013). Response-to-intervention (RTI) as a model to facilitate inclusion for students with learning and behaviour problems. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 28(3), 254-269.
Volpe, R. J., Briesch, A. M., & Chafouleas, S. M. (2010). Linking screening for emotional and behavioral problems to problem-solving efforts: An adaptive model of behavioral assessment. Assessment for Effective Intervention, 35(4), 240-244.
Digital professional education (FaBidi)
On behalf of the Ministry for School and Education of North Rhine-Westphalia, the project „Digital professional education - Investigation of implementation conditions and support requirements for the teaching of media competence according to the Media Competence Framework NRW in North Rhine-Westphalian schools, with special emphasis on the school subject Pedagogy (FaBidi)“ (duration 2020-2021) aims to make empirically sound statements on what future support services for work with the Media Competence Framework NRW (Medienkompetenzrahmen NRW) are desired from the perspective of school administrators and teachers of all school types and levels.
Leaded by Jun.-Prof. Dr. Alexander Martin and Dr. Sabrina Förster (both University of Cologne) and in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Birgit Eickelmann and Prof. Dr. Bardo Herzig (both University of Paderborn), the project focuses on the following questions:
- From the perspective of school administrators and teachers, what is succeeding well in implementing the Media Competence Framework NRW and what is considered particularly challenging?
- Which previous support services are used by school administrators and teachers, and which future support services are desired in order to work successfully with the Media Competence Framework NRW?
- From the perspective of school administrators and teachers, are there any subject-specific differences in working with the Media Competence Framework NRW? If so, which ones?
To answer these questions, between September and November 2020 completely anonymized assessments of about 100 school administrators and about 350 teachers at 100 schools in NRW will be comprehensively collected via qualitative (interviews) and quantitative (online survey) data.
The project focuses on the perspective of what specific support needs are important for successful digital teaching and learning and whether and to what extent the various subject groups differ from one another in the digitalization-related acquisition process. In order to obtain information on working with the Media Competence Framework NRW in upper secondary level, the school subject of pedagogy is to be analyzed in more detail.
Initial networking and cooperation activities have already been initiated within the university, e.g. with the project „Digitalisation in the Context of Learners, Teachers and Teaching and Learning Environments (DiLLu)“.
Further information can be found here.
Project team: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Alexander Martin (University of Cologne), Dr. Sabrina Förster (University of Cologne), Ilham Toumi (University of Cologne), Prof. Dr. Birgit Eickelmann (School Pedagogics, University of Paderborn), Prof. Dr. Bardo Herzig (School pedagogics with a focus on media pedagogics, University of Paderborn)
Cooperation partner: Dr. Julia Suckut (DiLLu-Project, University of Cologne)
Project duration: 2020-2022
Publications (selection):
Martin, A. & Förster S. (2021, in prep.). Findings on digital education in school subjects in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia – empirical analyzes in the FaBidi project. In State Chancellery NRW (Eds.), Scientific and administrative statements within the framework of the trilateral cooperation ('Weimar Triangle') Germany, France and Poland. Düsseldorf.
Research series "Learning through computer games in different educational settings"
The research series consisted of three partial studies:
- The research and promotion of the generation of knowledge of young people about classical music through computer games as an everyday media experience.
- Whether and how commercial computer games can be used as vehicles for conveying knowledge in the classroom.
- The systematic research of the use of computer games in school lessons in terms of central success factors and the development of suitable evaluation strategies.
All in all, the results of various field studies indicate that the use of computer games in different school teaching scenarios can have positive effects for learners.
Further information is to find at the project thomepage.
Project management: Prof. Dr. Dr. Kai Kaspar (University of Cologne)
Project participants: Sandra Aßmann (University of Bochum), Jun.-Prof. Dr. Peter Moormann (University of Cologne), Wolfgang Zielinski (Grimme-Institut), Marco Rüth (University of Cologne), Balduin Allroggen (University of Cologne), Christina Hankeln (Grimme Institut) & Sonja Klann (Grimme-Institut)
Project duration: 2015-2018
Literature (selection):
Zielinski, W., Aßmann, S., Kaspar, K., & Moormann, P. (2017). Spielend lernen! Computerspiele(n) in Schule und Unterricht. kopaed: München.

Research series "Youtuber videos, peers and political orientation of young people"
The research series investigates the connection between social media offerings, peer communication and political orientation of young people. The aim is to use qualitative and quantitative studies to investigate how web videos of YouTubers and their communicative discussion in the peer group influence, how young people inform themselves about politics and how their political orientation develops. The research series is located at the intersection of youth and peer research, media research, media socialisation research and political communication research.
Further information can be found on the project homepage.
Project team: Prof. Dr. Dr. Kai Kaspar (University of Cologne), Prof. Dr. Kai-Uwe Hugger (University of Cologne), Lars Gräßer (Grimme-Institut), Lea Braun (University of Cologne), Tine Nowak (University of Cologne), Christian Noll (University of Cologne), Daniel Zimmermann (University of Cologne)
Project duration: 2017-2020
Publications (selection):
Hugger, K., Braun, L. M., Noll, C., Nowak, T., Gräßer, L., Zimmermann, D., & Kaspar, K. (2019). Zwischen Authentizität und Inszenierung: Zur medienkritischen Einschätzung informationsorientierter YouTuber*innen-Videos durch Jugendliche. In F. von Gross & R. Röllecke (Hrsg.), Instagram und YouTube der (Pre-) Teens– Inspiration, Beeinflussung, Teilhabe. München: kopaed.
Zimmermann, D., Noll, C., Gräßler, L., Hugger, K.-U., Braun L. M., Nowak, T., & Kaspar, K. (2020). Influencers on YouTube: A quantitative study on young people's use and perception of videos about political and societal topics. Current Psychology, 1-12. Advance Online Publication. Download

LEK-R - Longitudinal Survey of Pedagogical Competences of Student Teachers and Trainee Teachers
The aim of the project " Longitudinal Survey of Pedagogical Competences of Student Teachers and Trainee Teachers" (LEK-R) is to continue the competence measurement of student teachers begun in the LEK study in order to analyse the transition to the practical teacher training period with respect to the change and validity of the pedagogical knowledge of prospective teachers.
Further information is to find at the project homepage.
Project management: Prof. Dr. Johannes König (University of Cologne)
Project duration: 2013-2016
Literature (selection):
König, J. & Kramer, C. (2016, online first). Teacher professional knowledge and classroom management: On the relation of general pedagogical knowledge (GPK) and classroom management expertise (CME). ZDM Mathematics Education. Download PDF

LtP - Learning to Practice. The practical teacher training semester under scrutiny
At the Universities of Paderborn, Siegen and Cologne, site-specific research projects were launched with the comprehensive introduction of the practical teacher training semester in North Rhine-Westphalia in the summer semester of 2015. These projects record longitudinally central process and result variables of the practical semester and deal with questions on the competence development of teacher trainees in this time.
Further information can be found on the project homepage.
Project management: Prof. Dr. Johannes König (University of Cologne), Prof. Dr. Martin Rothland (University of Siegen), Prof. Dr. Niclas Schaper (University of Paderborn)
Project duration: Seit Juni 2015
Literature (selection):
König, J., Rothland, M., & Schaper, N. (Hrsg.) (2018). Learning to Practice, Learning to Reflect? Ergebnisse aus der Längsschnittstudie LtP zur Nutzung und Wirkung des Praxissemesters in der Lehrerbildung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

ME 3.0 - Scientific monitoring of the Mettmann district (NRW) concerning inclusive schooling
The continued scientific monitoring of inclusive schools in the Mettmann district is composed of five major subprojects:
Subproject 1: Continuation of the already existing, positively evaluated concept of deductive stimulation for preschoolers to facilitate the transition into school, as well as the opening of all daycare centres in the district with the objective of sustainability. Especially considering children at increased psychosocial risk. (MultiMo KiTa)
Subproject 2: Implementation and process-related monitoring of a multilevel, multimodal approach (MultiMo) to support proper handling of students‘ behavioral problems in schools of the Mettmann district. (MultiMo School)
Subproject 3: Scientific monitoring of universal schools and support centres aiming to take into account the social-emotional development of the students in terms of mental health, as well as the students‘ learning development.
Subproject 4: Continuing the implementation of the virtual schoolboard in schools of the Mettmann district and close linking to subprojects 1 and 2.
Subproject 5: Resumption of the process-accompanying qualification of pedagogic professionals within the context of preschool- and school-based inclusion, as well as the development and implementation of qualification modules for process-accompanied support of the specific acquisition of expertise relevant for special education teachers, both in collective learning and support centres.
More information can be found on the project homepage.
Project team:
Prof. Dr. Thomas Hennemann (University of Cologne), Prof. Dr. Jürgen Wilbert (University Potsdam), Prof. Dr. Karolina Urton (University Munster), Johanna Krull (University of Cologne), Dr. Pawel Kulawiak (former University Potsdam), Dr. Tobias Hagen (University of Cologne), Prof. Dr. Dennis Hövel (Interkantonale Hochschule für Heilpädagogik Zurich)
Cooperation partner: Heilpädagogische Akademie für Erziehungswissenschaften und Lernförderung e.V.
Project duration: 2019-2021
Moki „inclusive“ – The child in view
Multi-professional and cross-system inclusion concept for children and young people of school age
In addition to the family environment, the school environment is a decisive factor for the development of children and young people. However, if we take a look at those with a higher need for support, the school offers on their own are usually not sufficient. Here, a prevention-oriented cooperation of intra- and extra-curricular professions is central in order to provide children, young people and their families with the best possible help. Therefore, education and training partnerships play a decisive role, which include not only the parents and the intra-school professions but also the school environment with its support systems. As a result, prevention-oriented, coordinated and high-quality support for children and young people as well as families requires cooperation between the various actors established in the school infrastructure. In terms of co-constructive cooperation, this should be characterised by an intensive professional exchange between the various actors, in which they relate their individual knowledge to each other, thereby acquiring new knowledge and developing joint strategies for action. The aim of the project is to establish and evaluate a coordinated and multi-professional cooperation between youth welfare services, schools and the municipal integration services at the school as a place of life, including the family system.
Project team: Prof. Dr. Thomas Hennemann (University of Cologne), Prof. Dr. Karolina Urton (University Munster), Sophia Schmitz (University of Cologne)
Cooperation partners:
Bergische Diakonie gGmbH, City of Monheim on the Rhine, Primary school on Lerchenweg with its all-day sponsor AWO Bezirksverband Niederrhein e.V., Peter-Ustinov Gesamtschule
Project duration: 2020-2023
Urton, K., Schmitz, S., & Hennemann, T. (2021). Umsetzung und Evaluation eines multiprofessionellen und systemübergreifenden Inklusionskonzeptes für Kinder und Jugendliche im Schulalter. ESE - Emotionale und Soziale Entwicklung in der Pädagogik der Erziehungshilfe und bei Verhaltensstörungen 3, 3, 164-171. Download

OERlabs - Educating (Teaching) Students Together for OER
At the universities of Cologne and Kaiserslautern, the (more) practice-oriented joint project "OERlabs" pursues the goal of stimulating all higher education acting groups to engage with Open Educational Resources (OER) and to enhance the awareness of all trainers and further educators as well as students with respect to a natural incorporation of OER. To this end, OERlabs will be initiated, in which students from the teaching professions will document, produce, change (remix) and share OER with the support of students from media and social science subjects and (de-)central institutions from the respective universities. A tutoring or mentoring system is to be established in order to enable a long-term involvement of students from the teaching professions with OER. In addition, "Round Tables" are to be set up with the support of the Prorectors for academic affairs so that discussion of OER from strategic university development perspectives is also promoted.
Further information is to find at the project homepage.
Project management: Prof. Dr. Sandra Hofhues (University of Cologne)
Project duration: since 2017
Literature (selection):
Hofhues, S. (2019/in Druck). 3.9 Openness. In N. Kutscher, T. Ley, U. Seelmeyer, F. Siller, A. Tillmann & I. Zorn (Hrsg.), Handbuch Soziale Arbeit und Digitalisierung.
Hofhues, S., & Lukacs, B. (2019/in Druck). OERlabs zwischen Bildungsinnovation und medienbezogenen Routinen in Lehre und Unterricht. In A. Bresges, & A. Habicher (Hrsg.), Digitalisierung des Bildungssystems – Aufgaben und Perspektiven für die LehrerInnenbildung. Waxmann: Münster.
Lukács, B., & Hofhues, S. (2019). OERlabs: Strategies for University-wide OER Advancement. In J. Domenech, P. Merello, E. de la Poza, D. Blazquez, & R. Peña-Ortiz (Eds.), 5th International Conference on Higher Education Advance (HEAd’19) (pp. 103-110). Universitat Politècnica València: València.
PARTI - "Participation and Recognition in Response-To-Intervention"
In exaggerated terms, inclusion models are either participation-oriented or evidence-based, but not both at the same time. In particular, the evidence-based response-to-intervention (RTI) step-by-step model has ignited criticism, since RTI, by strictly separating primary and special education, leads to a relinquishing of the responsibility for pupils with disabilities and, thus, puts their participation in education at risk. The PARTI project presents a participation-oriented T-RTI model in which teachers of both professions plan and conduct their teaching simultaneously in a participation-oriented and evidence-based manner. In a quasi-experimental design with a wait list control group, primary school and special education teachers undergo advanced training. It is expected that such advanced training will enable teachers to increasingly relate their respective expertise to one another, thereby more effectively developing inclusive pedagogical knowledge and action, and that this will lead to positive effects on the pupil level in the long term.
More information can be found on the project homepage.
Project team:
University of Wuppertal: Prof. Dr. Michael Grosche (Head, location manager), Prof. Dr. Christian Huber, Prof. Dr. Kathrin Fussangel, Prof. Dr. Cornelia Gräsel, Prof. Dr. Friedrich Linderkamp, Dr. Markus Spilles
University of Cologne: Prof. Dr. Johannes König (Location manager), Prof. Dr. Thomas Hennemann, Prof. Dr. Dr. Kai Kaspar, Prof. Dr. Conny Melzer (Univeristy Leipzig), Prof. Dr. Christian Rietz (Univeristy of Education Heidelberg), Dr. Sarah Strauß, Katharina Neroznikova, Gino Casale & Dr. Johanna Krull
Cooperation partners: Institut für Bildungsforschung (IfB) der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal, Heilpädagogische Akademie für Erziehungshilfe und Lernförderung e.V.
Project duration: 2018-2021
Publications (selection):
Gottfried, K., Casale, G., Hennemann, T., Huber, C., Kaspar, K., Spilles, M., Strauß, S., & König, J. (2021). Adaptiver Umgang mit externalisierenden Verhaltensproblemen: Pädagogisches Wissen zu inklusivem Unterricht mit Fokus emotionale und soziale Entwicklung. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Bildungswissenschaften. Download
Grosche, M., König, J., Huber, C., Hennemann, T., Fussangel, K., Gräsel, C., Kaspar, K., Melzer, C., Strauß, S., Lüke, T., Krull, J., Neroznikova, K., Spilles, M., Casale, G., & Bartling, A. (2020). Das Forschungsprojekt PARTI: Evaluation einer Fortbildungsreihe zur kokonstruktiven Umsetzung eines um Partizipation ergänzten Response-To-Intervention-Modells im Förderschwerpunkt Emotional-soziale Entwicklung. In G. Ricken, & S. Degenhardt (Hrsg.), Vernetzung, Kooperation, Sozialer Raum – Inklusion als Querschnittaufgabe (S. 116-121). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.

PlanvoLL - Planning Competence of Teachers
Class planning is an essential aspect of the professional competence of teachers, but as a skill it has hardly been considered so far in the considerations and approaches of the empirical investigation of competence measurement of (prospective) teachers. The study "PlanvoLL – Planning Competence of Teachers" addresses this problem by developing a standardised and reliable method for the analysis of written teaching drafts of prospective teachers in the second training phase in the federal state of Berlin (König, Buchholtz & Dohmen, 2015).
Further information is to find at the project homepage.
Project management: Prof. Dr. Johannes König (University of Cologne)
Project duration: 2012-2015
Funded by: Senate Administration Berlin / FIBS
PlanvoLL-D - The importance of professional knowledge for prospective German teachers for the planning of their lessons
The project "The importance of professional knowledge for prospective German teachers for the planning of their lessons: validation and methodological innovation" (PlanvoLL-D) aims to answer the question of how the professional knowledge acquired by prospective German teachers during the first phase of their training at universities relates to the mastery of a core requirement in the second phase of teacher training (preparatory phase or teacher traineeship): planning a class.
Two overarching questions are pursued:
1. Is it possible to specify generic planning competence (teaching adaptivity) with respect to German teaching (subject-teaching adaptivity)?
2. Can planning competence or the change in planning competence be predicted with the help of the knowledge acquired within the framework of university education, thereby providing proof of its prognostic validity?
The target group are prospective secondary school teachers studying German in Berlin and North Rhine-Westphalia.
Further information can be found on the project homepage.
Project management: Prof. Dr. Johannes König (Head, University of Cologne), Prof. ret. Dr. Albert Bremerich-Vos (University of Duisburg-Essen), Dr. Christiane Buchholtz (TU Berlin)
Team members: Ilka Fladung (University of Duisburg-Essen), Dr. Nina Glutsch (University of Cologne), Dr. Matthias Krepf (University of Cologne), Dr. Sandra Lammerding (University of Cologne), Dr. Sarah Strauß (University of Cologne), Charlotte Schleiffer (Humboldt University of Berlin)
Literature (selection):
König, J. (2019). PlanvoLL-D: Planungskompetenz von angehenden Lehrerinnen und Lehrern im Fach Deutsch. In N. McElvany, W. Bos, H. G. Holtappels, & A. Ohle-Peters (Hrsg.), Bedingungen und Effekte von Lehrerbildung, Lehrkraftkompetenzen und Lehrkrafthandeln (S. 67-85). Waxmann: Münster.
König, J., Bremerich-Vos, A., Buchholtz, C., Fladung, I., & Glutsch, N. (2019/eingereicht). Preservice teachers' generic and subject-specific lesson-planning skills: On learning adaptive teaching during initial teacher education. European Journal of Teacher Education.
König, J., Bremerich-Vos, A., Buchholtz, C., & Glutsch, N. (2020). General pedagogical knowledge, pedagogical adaptivity in written lesson plans, and instructional practice among preservice teachers. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 52 (6), 800-822. Download
König, J., Krepf, M., Bremerich-Vos, A., & Buchholtz, C. (2021). Meeting cognitive demands of lesson planning: Introducing the CODE-PLAN model to describe and analyze teachers' planning competence. The Teacher Educator. Download

PKE - Professional competence of English teachers: Subject teaching knowledge of future English teachers - conception, measurement, validation
The aim of the study is to extend the approach developed in the TEDS-LT study to measure more action-oriented knowledge of foreign language teaching and learning processes. The instrument, which has been further developed, will be used on sample groups of prospective English teachers in Master and Teacher Trainee programmes, in conjunction with the testing of their subject knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and language competence.
Further information can be found on the project homepage.
Project management: Prof. Dr. Johannes König (University of Cologne)
Team members: Sandra Lammerding (until 2018) (University of Cologne), Prof. Dr. Günter Nold (TU Dortmund), Prof. Dr. Andreas Rohde (University of Cologne), Bianca Roters (until 2015) (University of Cologne), Sarah Strauß (University of Cologne), Dr. Sarantis Tachtsoglou (until 2018) (University of Cologne)
Project duration: 2014-2019
Literature (selection):
König, J., Doll, J., Buchholtz, N., Förster, S., Kaspar, K., Rühl, A.-M., Strauß, S., Bremerich-Vos, A., Fladung, I., & Kaiser, G. (2018). Pädagogisches Wissen versus fachdidaktisches Wissen? Struktur des professionellen Wissens bei angehenden Deutsch-, Englisch- und Mathematiklehrkräften im Studium. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 21(3), 1-38.
König, J., Strauß, S., Lammerding, S., Nold, G., Rohde, A., & Tachtsoglou, S. (2017). Professionelles Wissen von angehenden Englischlehrpersonen. Ergebnisse aus dem PKE-Projekt. In C. Dawidowski, A. R. Hoffmann, & A. R. Stolle (Hrsg.), Lehrer- und Unterrichtsforschung in der Literaturdidaktik. Konzepte und Projekte (S. 83-100). Frankfurt am Main: Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften: Frankfurt am Main.
König, J., Tachtsoglou, S., Lammerding, S., Strauß, S., Nold, G., & Rohde, A. (2017). The Role of Opportunities to Learn in Teacher Preparation for EFL Teachers‘ Pedagogical Content Knowledge. The Modern Language Journal, 101(1), 109-127.

ProFInk - Professionalization between subject and inclusion orientation in the context of university mathematics didactics
The requirement to change schools into inclusive schools is currently only one of many expectation from educational policy. The research project ProFInk investigates how prospective teachers position themselves with regard to the educational policy demand for inclusive schools and what the reform expectation of inclusion means for prospective teachers in the context of university teacher education, which is itself an institutional actor in the discourse on reform in science and education policy. Habitual orientations of prospective mathematics teachers at different points in their course of academic education are reconstructed. Subject-, general- and inclusion-specific expectations of inclusive mathematics teaching and general ideas of pedagogical professionalism are in the focus of inquiry.
Project management: Prof. Dr. Petra Herzmann, Prof. Dr. Benjamin Rott
Project participants: Lukas Baumanns, Laura Court, Tobias Dohmen
Funding: Partial application within the framework of the application for the Cologne Graduate College of MINT subject didactics
Project duration: since 2018
Literature (selection):
Court, L., Dohmen, T., Baumanns, L., Rott, B., & Herzmann, P. (i. Vorb.). „Also da hab ich jetzt nichts zu im Studium gelernt wie ich jetzt damit umgehen soll.“ Orientierungsrahmen angehender Mathematiklehrer*innen zwischen von Fachlichkeit und Inklusion.
ProSeVision - Professional Sense of Vision - An innovative visual attention training
Visual perception is the most important sensory interface to our outside world. It is the basis for planning and executing actions. Expertise in the field of visual attention control (Professional Sense of Vision) is therefore a key competence for various target groups. In order to be able to train Professional Sense of Vision in a targeted manner, it is necessary to gain insight into the personal visual behaviour in real action contexts (teaching situations, presentations, etc.). This will be made visible within the project by means of mobile eye-tracking technology, thus illustrating an innovation in various teaching and learning contexts.
Further information is to find at the project homepage.
Project team: Prof. Dr. Dr. Kai Kaspar (University of Cologne), Prof. Dr. Johannes König (University of Cologne), Marco Rüth (University of Cologne), Daniel Zimmermann (University of Cologne), Nicolas-Alexander Seiffert (University of Cologne)
Project duration: 2017-2019

SESAME – “Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support for Mental Health”
It is estimated that every fifth student shows significant impairments in psychosocial health (e.g. Kieling et al., 2011; Ravens-Sieberer et al., 2016). These problems have an enormous negative impact on the academic as well as the emotional and social development of the affected students. Moreover, they are often accompanied by academic failure and social exclusion (Krull, Wilbert & Hennemann, 2018; Reid, Gonzalez, Nordness, Trout & Epstein, 2004; Reinke et al., 2008). Students* problems simultaneously pose an enormous challenge to educational staff (Avramidis & Norwich, 2002). School-based prevention programs that are holistic and school-wide in scope offer a solution. They have been shown to improve students' psychosocial health and thus support both educational success and social participation. The Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support (SW-PBS) approach represents such a schoolwide prevention approach. It provides a conceptual framework that incorporates systemic and individualized strategies to diagnose and promote important emotional, social, and academic competencies, thereby creating a safe teaching and learning environment for students, staff, and other stakeholders (Horner et al., 2004). Study findings indicate positive effects on student behavior (e.g., a reduction in internalizing behavior problems; Lane, Wehby, Robertson, & Ann Rogers, 2007) as well as factors intrinsic to the school system (e.g., educator satisfaction; Farkas et al., 2012; Sanetti & Collier-Meek, 2015) of the approach. In our Schoolwide Positive Behavior for Mental Health (SESAME) project, we are adapting the SW-PBS approach presented to promote mental health in secondary schools for different European contexts. Through the SESAME model, we aim to provide a culturally sensitive and APP-supported prevention approach for different European contexts that improves students' psychosocial health, reduces the burden on educational staff, and shapes the school system as an educational environment conducive to learning and development.
In this context, the following project objectives are pursued:
1. a culturally sensitive and technologically advanced adaptation of SW-PBS for secondary schools in different European contexts;
2. the development of an innovative training series for pedagogical professionals in inclusion based on SW-PBS;
3. the development of a SESAME APP for the successful implementation of SW-PBS methods;
4. the implementation and piloting of the SESAME model in secondary schools.
Through the implementation of the SESAME model, we hope to see improvements at three school levels.
1. the level of school administration (especially improved school climate, increasing digitalization)
2. the level of the pedagogical staff (especially increased competence in the prevention and handling of psychosocial problems, increased job satisfaction)
3. the level of the students (especially improvement of psychosocial health and social integration, reduction of stress, reduction of dropout rates).
Further information can be found on the project hompage.
Project team: Prof. Dr. Gino Casale (University of Wuppertal), Prof. Dr. Thomas Hennemann (University of Cologne), Dr. Johanna Krull (University of Cologne)
Project duration: 2019-2022

Learning through play: Computer games as a vehicle for imparting knowledge in school lessons
The practical research project "Learning by Playing" explores the educational potential of commercial computer games for use in school lessons along different dimensions. It explicitly refers to the strategy paper "Education in the digital world" of the Conference of Education Ministers (here as PDF:
With a practice-oriented focus, a series of expert workshops will explore whether and how commercial computer games can be used as vehicles for conveying knowledge (including political, historical, social, ethical, but also physical, aesthetic-musical, etc.) in the classroom. The focus is on commercial games (so-called "Off The Shelf Games"), which are widely accepted in the lives of young people. In addition to the school context, the results should also be made accessible and be further developed for the broad area of informal learning, e.g. in youth welfare.
Further information is to find at the project homepage.
Project management: Wolfgang Zielinski (Grimme-Institut), Jun.-Prof. Dr. Dr. habil. Kai Kaspar, Prof. Dr. Sandra Aßmann and Jun.-Prof. Dr. Peter Moormann (University of Cologne)
Project duration: 2016-2017

Study projects in the practical semester (StiPS)
With the introduction of a practical semester at school for students in teacher education, the didactic approach of research-based learning was implemented as mandatory in NRW. The constitutive element is the students' study projects. Document analysis and process data are used to reconstruct how students (and teachers) understand and do research in the context of research-based learning. The findings provide information about the extent to which the professional-theoretical development of a scientifically reflective teacher habitus can be initiated and at the same time comes up against limits – taking institutional conditions of teacher education at universities into account.
Project participants: Michaela Artmann (University of Cologne), Petra Herzmann (University of Cologne), Anke Liegmann (University of Duisburg-Essen)
Funding: Habilitation Scholarship of the ZfL Graduate School for Dr. Michaela Artmann (April-December 2017)
Project duration: 2016-2020
Literature (selection):
Artmann, M., Berendonck, M., Herzmann, P., & Liegmann, A. B. (Hrsg.) (2018). Professionalisierung in Praxisphasen der Lehrerbildung. Qualitative Forschung aus Bildungswissenschaft und Fachdidaktik. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.
Herzmann, P., & Liegemann, A. B. (2020). Wie reflexionsförderlich sind universitäre Praxisphasen? Kritische Anmerkungen zu einem Professionalisierungsversprechen aus professionstheoretischer und empirischer Perspektive. In K. Rheinländer, & D. Scholl (Hrsg.). Verlängerte Praxisphasen in der Lehrer*innenbildung. Konzeptionelle und empirische Aspekte der Relationierung von Theorie und Praxis (S. 74- 88). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt. Download
Herzmann, P., & Liegemann, A. B. (2020). Mündliche Prüfungen im Kontext des Forschenden Lernens. (Re-)Adressierungen als Inszenierungen studentischer Expertise. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 66(5), 727-745.
ST:ST (Studiport test - language and text comprehension) - Test theoretical foundation and piloting of the Studiport knowledge test for language and text comprehension
The aim of the ST:ST project is to fundamentally revise and further develop the existing Studiport knowledge test on "language and text comprehension". Studiport" is an online portal for new students (available at that offers various e-learning services designed to support them, particularly at the start of their studies. Tests are also made available that give students the opportunity to test their knowledge in various areas as part of a self-assessment combined with automatically generated feedback information on the level of knowledge achieved in the respective test.
The construct of the test of language and text comprehension is to be specified in the project in terms of test theory and the operationalization of the construct is to be methodically optimized. An empirical examination of the test developed in this way will focus in particular on the quality criteria of reliability and validity. Following a pilot study and the testing of pupils to test curricular validity, the paper-pencil test will be used in the main study at selected universities in NRW with first-year students. In this further validation step, assumptions about the generalizability of the test to different sub-target groups (method of known groups) and further assumptions about reliability can be tested (e.g. measurement invariance). The main study will be conducted online at several universities and universities of applied sciences in NRW. The project will result in the creation and documentation of a finalized test for the planned application context of online self-assessments at universities in North Rhine-Westphalia.
Further information can be found on the project homepage.
Project management: Prof. Dr. Johannes König (University of Cologne)
Project participants: Dr. Stefan Klemenz (University of Cologne)
Cooperation partners: Prof. i.R. Dr. Albert Bremerich-Vos (University of Duisburg-Essen), Frank Wistuba (Ruhr University Bochum)
Funding: Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia
Project duration: 2019-2022

Synergy! - Interdisciplinary network for systematic testing of ILIAS as a university-wide learning platform
The "Synergy! project brings together the expertise of three faculties (Faculty of Human Sciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Faculty of Medicine) and the Competence Centre E-Learning (CCE). It aims to promote competence-oriented learning among students and evaluates the teaching and technical features of various e-learning functions of the ILIAS learning management system. The project "Synergy! is intended to contribute to the eliciting of the mostly unexplored teaching potential of ILIAS as well as the acceptance of its functions. In particular, it is to be tested how the use of digital learning possibilities - also in addition to classroom teaching - can add value to teaching. Students should be able to learn from each other in digital learning spaces by becoming members of collective learning communities. The project aims to facilitate access to ILIAS through a digital handbook with video tutorials.
Further information is to find at the project homepage.
Project management: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Dr. habil. Kai Kaspar (University of Cologne)
Project duration: 2015-2017

Tablets in the classroom (TabU): Video studies on the social organisation of tablet-accompanied classroom interaction
The project investigates how the introduction and permanent use of tablets changes the teaching of school subjects and how tablets are integrated into classroom orders and practices. On the basis of video observations of everyday life in a tablet class of secondary school, the project investigates the interrelationship between teacher's instructional practices and student's participation and cooperation. The aim of the project is to clarify the influence of the tablet on the order of interaction in the classroom from a social and knowledge-related point of view and to reconstruct the requirements for action with which teachers and students are confronted when dealing with digital media.
Project participants: Prof. Dr. Matthias Herrle (University of Wuppertal), Dr. Markus Hoffmann (University of Cologne), Patricia Lauterbach (University of Wuppertal), Juliane Spiegler (University of Cologne) & Prof. Dr. Matthias Proske (University of Cologne)
Cooperative project of the University of Wuppertal and the University of Cologne
Funding: Pilot study funded by ZEFFT of the University of Wuppertal, full proposal in preparation
Literature (selection):
Herrle, M., Hoffmann, M., & Proske, M. (2020). Unterricht im digitalen Wandel: Methodologie, Vorgehensweise und erste Auswertungstendenzen einer Studie zum Interaktionsgeschehen in einer Tabletklasse. In K. Kaspar, M. Becker‐Mrotzek, S. Hofhues, J. König, & D. Schmeinck (Hrsg.), Bildung, Schule und Digitalisierung. Münster: Waxmann. Download
TEDS-FU - Teacher Education and Development Study Follow-Up
As a follow-up to the international study TEDS-M, TEDS-FU aims to study the development of the competences of teachers during the start of their career. Both the competence level and the competence structure are of interest in order to be able to record changes for the purpose of professionalisation.
Further information is to find at the project homepage.
Project management: Prof. Dr. Sigrid Blömeke (CEMO Oslo/HU Berlin), Prof. Dr. Gabriele Kaiser (University of Hamburg), Prof. Dr. Johannes König (University of Cologne), Prof. Dr. Martina Döhrmann (University of Vechta)
Project duration: 2010-2013

TEDS Teaching - Teacher Education and Development Study

The main objective of the study TEDS teaching is the empirical investigation of the professional competence of mathematics teachers at lower secondary level and their influence on student achievement through the quality of teaching. Of special interest is which aspects of teacher competence are particularly helpful for which pupils.
Further information is to find at the project homepage.
Project management: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Kaiser (University of Hamburg), Prof. Dr. Sigrid Blömeke (CEMO Oslo/HU Berlin), Prof. Dr. Johannes König (University of Cologne)
Project duration: 2016-2019
TEDS Validation - Teacher Education and Development
Basic preliminary work for the study TEDS Validation is provided by the instruments developed and tested in TEDS-M, TEDS-FU and in TEDS classes for recording the competences of mathematics teachers.
Against the background of the objectives of the project, we focus on the following questions regarding prognostic validity and measure-theoretical approach, with which conclusions can be drawn about the effectiveness of teacher training - using mathematics as an example:
(1) Do the tools developed in the context of TEDS-M and TEDS-FU to measure the professional competences imparted during teacher education at university level prove to be valid for high-quality and successful mathematics teaching?
(2) Does the inclusion of situation-specific skills (measured by video-based tests), beyond the effects of the professional knowledge imparted in university teacher training (measured by knowledge tests), contribute substantially to the understanding of the quality of teaching and the increase in students' performance?
Further information can be found on the project homepage.
Project management: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Kaiser (University of Hamburg), Prof. Dr. Johannes König (University of Cologne), Prof. Dr. Sigrid Blömeke (CEMO Oslo/HU Berlin)
Involved: Prof. Dr. Nils Buchholtz (University of Köln), Dr. Ute Suhl (University of Köln), Hannah Heinrichs (University of Hamburg), Kirsten Benecke (University of Hamburg), Anne Hardt (University of Hamburg), Dennis Meyer (University of Hamburg), Natalie Ross (University of Hamburg), Caroline Felske, geb. Nehls (formerly Universität zu Köln)
Project duration: 2016 - 2019
Literature (selection):
Felske, C., König, J., Kaiser, G., Klemenz, S., Ross, N., & Blömeke, S. (2020). Pädagogisches Wissen von berufstätigen Mathematiklehrkräften. Validierung der Konstruktrepräsentation im TEDS-M Test. Diagnostica, 66(2), 110-122. Download
Jentsch, A., Schlesinger, L., Heinrichs, H., Kaiser, G., König, J., & Blömeke, S. (2021). Erfassung der fachspezifischen Qualität von Mathematikunterricht: Faktorenstruktur und Zusammenhänge zur professionellen Kompetenz von Mathematiklehrpersonen. Journal für Mathematik-Didaktik, 42, 97-121. Download
Kaiser, G., & König, J. (2019). Competence Measurement in (Mathematics) Teacher Education and Beyond: Implications for Policy. Higher Education Policy, 32.
König, J., Blömeke, S., Jentsch, A., Schlesinger, L., Felske, C., Musekamp, F., & Kaiser, G. (2021). The links between pedagogical competence, instructional quality, and mathematics achievement in the lower secondary classroom. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 107, 189-212. Download
König, J., Doll, J., Buchholtz, N., Förster, S., Kaspar, K., Rühl, A.-M., Strauß, S., Bremerich-Vos, A., Fladung, I., & Kaiser, G. (2018). Pädagogisches Wissen versus fachdidaktisches Wissen? Struktur des professionellen Wissens bei angehenden Deutsch-, Englisch- und Mathematiklehrkräften im Studium. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 21(3), 1-38.
Ross, N., & Kaiser, G. (2018). Klassifikation von Mathematikaufgaben zur Untersuchung mathematisch-kognitiver Aspekte von Schülerleistungstests und von Unterrichtsqualität. In R. Biehler et al. (Hrsg.), Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2018 (S. 1519-1522). Münster: WTM-Verlag.
TEDS validation transfer
Upon entering school practice, teachers are faced with the challenge of flexibly applying the declarative knowledge they have acquired during their studies to specific teaching situations. This application process focuses on the construct of professional teaching perception, which is increasingly being considered as a central competence component of teachers. As part of the predecessor projects TEDS-FU, TEDS-Unterricht and TEDS-Validierung, measuring instruments were developed to record professional teaching perception with regard to mathematics didactics and interdisciplinary pedagogical aspects and used on working mathematics teachers.
The joint project TEDS-Validation-Transfer draws on the results of these studies and aims to transfer them in two ways: Firstly, the test instruments developed will be used for the first time on a sample of prospective mathematics teachers (Master's students). Secondly, the influence of extended practical school phases in the teacher training program on the professional teaching perception of prospective teachers is to be examined. The intention is to compare differently implemented practical phases at different university locations. Two test instruments are used in TEDS-Validierung-Transfer to record the professional perception of teaching: depending on the type of school studied, the students surveyed either complete a test with a focus on elementary school or a test with a focus on secondary school. In both variants, the respondents watch short video vignettes from mathematics lessons and then answer questions about the teaching situations presented. The study is based on a pre-post design, i.e. the test instruments are used before and after the practical phase. This will take place at several university locations in different federal states. The data collection phase of the project will be completed in summer 2021. Based on the data, scaling analyses and regression analyses can be carried out in relation to learning opportunities in the teacher training program and previous teaching experience, and the effectiveness of different formats of school practice in the teacher training program can be examined and compared.
Ultimately, the intention is to use potential findings from the study to improve teacher training, particularly with regard to the design of practical learning opportunities in schools. TEDS-Validierung-Transfer is carried out in cooperation with the relevant projects of the Quality Initiative for Teacher Education at both universities, i.e. ProfaLe at the University of Hamburg and ZuS at the University of Cologne.
Further information can be found on the project homepage.
Project team: Gabriele Kaiser (project leader, University of Hamburg, Australian Catholic University), Alina Alwast (University of Hamburg), Natalie Ross (University of Hamburg), Prof. Dr. Johannes König (site leader, University of Cologne), Jonas Weyers (University of Cologne)
Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Project duration: 2020 - 2022

Supporting primary schools on the way to an inclusive system - teaching and methodology in challenging teaching-learning situations
Over a period of one and a half years, the University of Cologne has been accompanying two schools from the Cologne district on their way to an inclusive system. The primary goal is the systematic development of the professional agency of teachers and specialists in pedagogy in inclusive contexts. The focus of the entire project is the development of concrete teaching and methodological measures for schools on the basis of the analysis of the learning requirements of the pupils and the concrete situation on site.
The study focuses, on the one hand, on the question of feasibility and, on the other, on the question of effectiveness. Within the framework of a formative and summative evaluation, effects on teachers and pupils are examined and influencing factors in the context of the quality of implementation are analysed. The University of Cologne offers a total of nine continuing education modules in which the teaching staff and other pedagogical specialists from schools participate. The modules focus on "team development/class planning in a team", "classroom management in challenging teaching-learning situations in (subject) instruction", "collecting learning prerequisites as a basis for developmental and subject-related lesson planning" and "consistently planning classes inclusively through the combination of the subject and developmental levels".
Further information can be found on the project homepage:
Project team: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thomas Hennemann, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Grünke
In cooperation with Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johannes König
Main facilitators: Sol. i. H. Tatjana Leidig und Dr. Tobias Hagen
Project duration: 1 1/2 years
Literature (selection):
Leidig, T., Hennemann, T., van Zadelhoff, F., Grünke, M., Rauh, B., & Rauh, N. (2019). Wie kann es gelingen - Nutzen und (Erfolgs-)Faktoren einer prozessbegleitenden Fortbildung auf dem Weg zur inklusiven Schule aus Sicht der pädagogischen Fachkräfte. Zeitschrift für Heilpädagogik, 70(4), 178-193.
Spilles, M., Hagen, T., & Hennemann, T. (2019). Wirkungen einer tutoriellen Leseflüssigkeitsförderung auf die soziale Integration von Kindern mit externalisierenden Verhaltensproblemen sowie auf die Lesegeschwindigkeit von Tutoren und Tutanden. Vierteljahresschrift für Heilpädagogik und ihre Nachbargebiete, 88(1), 44-57.
Spilles, M., Hagen, T., & Hennemann, T. (2018). Tutorielle Leseverfahren mit Grundschulkindern mit externalisierenden Verhaltensproblemen. Empirische Sonderpädagogik, 10(1), 39-71.

ViLLa - Videos in teacher training
Information on the project homepage.
Participants (University of Cologne): Sandra Aßmann (until 2016), Petra Hanke, Petra Herzmann, Kai Hugger, Prof. Dr. Wilfried Plöger, Prof. Dr. Matthias Proske, Dr. Bianca Roters (until 2015), Dr. Daniel Scholl (until 2018), Dr. Melanie Eckerth, Charlotte Kramer, Prof. Dr. André Bresges, Prof. Dr. Kirsten Schlüter, Ursula Huf, Prof. Dr. Michael Becker-Mrotzek, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hasberg, Lale Altinay, Christoph Wilfert
Management: Prof. Dr. Johannes König
Funding: Innovation in teaching (University of Cologne)
Project duration: 2013 - 2015
Scientific support in the district of Mettmann - "School on the way to inclusion"
In its project "School on the Way to Inclusion", the Mettmann district is transforming the school system to an inclusive one, as explicitly demanded by the UN, in a consistent and process-oriented way. In recognition of the complexity of the process of transformation to an inclusive school, the universities of Cologne and Oldenburg are providing scientific support.
Further information can be found on the project homepage.
Project management: Prof. Dr. Thomas Hennemann (University of Cologne), Prof. Dr. Jürgen Wilbert (University of Potsdam), Prof. Dr. Clemens Hillenbrand (University of Oldenburg)
Project duration: 2010-2018
Literature (selection):
Hennemann, T., Hillenbrand, C., Fitting-Dahlmann, K., Wilbert, J., & Urton, K. (2018). Auf dem Weg zum inklusiven Schulsystem – Konzeption der wissenschaftlichen Begleitevaluation. Zeitschrift für Heilpädagogik, 69(1), 4-16.
Krull, J., Urton, K., Wilbert, J., & Hennemann, T. (2018). Der Kreis Mettmann auf dem Weg zum inklusiven Schulsystem – zentrale Ergebnisse der wissenschaftlichen Begleitung. Zeitschrift für Heilpädagogik, 69(1), 17-39.
Krull, J., Wilbert, J., & Hennemann, T. (2018). Does social exclusion by classmates lead to behaviour problems and learning difficulties or vice versa? A cross-lagged panel analysis. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 33(2), 235–253.

You(r) Study - "Defiantly studying 'in the digital age"
Expectations with respect to the use of digital media often vary among students from different disciplines. The project "You(r)Study" is dedicated to looking at students’ individual use of digital media by observing how they engage with digital media and how their course-related, university and academic activities are shaped by such use. The aim is also to investigate how students give meaning to their own studies and media use. Furthermore, framework and context conditions of students' media activities are to be identified and analysed.
Further information is to find at the project homepage.
Project management: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Sandra Hofhues (University of Cologne)
Project duration: 2017 - 2020
Literature (selection):
Aksoy, F., Pensel, S., & Hofhues, S. (2019/in Druck). »Ja, wenn wir schon in diesem digitalen Zeitalter angekommen sind«. Rekonstruktion studentischer Perspektiven auf Digitalisierung. In R. Bauer, J. Hafer, S. Hofhues, M. Schiefner- Rohs, A. Thillosen, Volk, & K. Wannemacher (Hrsg.), Vom E-Learning zur Digitalisierung – Mythen, Realitäten, Perspektiven. Reihe Medien in der Wissenschaft. Waxmann: Münster.
Hofhues, S. (2019/in Druck). Institutionen der Medienpädagogik: Hochschule. In U. Sander, F. von Gross, & K.-U. Hugger (Hrsg.), Handbuch Medienpädagogik. Springer: Wiesbaden.
Schiefner-Rohs, M., Hofhues, S., Aßmann, S., & Brahm, T. (2019/in Druck). Studieren im digitalen Zeitalter. Methodologische Fragen und ein empirischer Zugriff. In Bewegungen. Kongressband des 26. DGfE-Kongresses 2018.
ZuS - Future Strategy for Teacher Education, 1st funding phase
Participants: Prof. Dr. Christian von Coelln (project management), Dr. Nora Berger (project coordination)
Competence Laps: Prof. Dr. André Bresges (Head), Prof. Dr. Andreas Rhode (Head), Dr. Judith Hoffmann (Coordination)
Promotion of young academ ics: Prof. Dr. Michael Becker-Mrotzek (Head), Dr. Dorothea Wiktorin (Head), Dr. Julia Suckut (Coordination)
Inclusive Studies: Prof. Dr. Conny Melzer (Head), Prof. Dr. Inge Schwank (Head), Dr. Marion Hesse-Zwillus (Coordination)
Quality assurance: Prof. Dr. Johannes König (head), Prof. Dr. Dr. Kai Kaspar (head), Julie Zenner (coordination)
Project duration: 2015 - 2018 (1st funding phase)
Further information can be found here.
ZuS-Transfer – Heterogenität und Inklusion gestalten: Zukunftsstrategie Lehrer*innenbildung – Teilprojekt Media Labs
Die Media Labs entwickeln und beforschen Maßnahmen zur Förderung digitaler Bildung. Zentrale Inhalte bilden das Lernen mit Unterrichtsvideos und digitalen Selbstlernmodulen. So wird die etablierte ViLLA-Datenbank ( mit Unterrichtsvideos und videogestützten Selbstlernmodulen im Rahmen einer universitätsübergreifenden Kooperation an das Meta-Videoportal ( angeschlossen und die Lernwirksamkeit von Unterrichtsvideos evaluiert. Außerdem werden Manuale zur Unterrichtsvideographie (ViLLA) und zur Erfassung der visuellen Wahrnehmung in Lehr- und Lernsituationen mittels mobiler Eye-Tracking-Technik (ProPerception) konzipiert, pilotiert und fachspezifische adaptiert.
Ein zentrales digitales Selbstlernmodul der Media Labs stellt die eigens entwickelte Quiz-App Quizard dar ( Nachdem in den Media Labs die Lernwirksamkeit quizbasierten Lernens nachgewiesen werden konnte, wird dieses Quizspiel zum Einsatz in der Lehre universitätsweit verfügbar gemacht. Mit Quizard bieten die Media Labs ein spielerisches und mobiles Lernwerkzeug an, das die digitale Lehre an der Universität zu Köln unterstützen kann.
Damit verfolgen die Media Labs insgesamt eine langfristige Verankerung der genannten Konzepte und integrieren zwecks Nachhaltigkeit und Optimierung mehrere ehemals eigenständige Projekte (vgl. Zwei-Jahresbericht 2018/2019).
Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der Projekthomepage.
Projektteam: Prof. Dr. Dr. Kai Kaspar, Charlotte Kramer, Marco Rüth, Esther Fichtl, Franziska Iwan
Förderung: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
Projektdauer: 2019 - 2023 (2. Förderphase)
Projektpublikationen (Auswahl):
Kramer, C., König, J., Strauß, S., & Kaspar, K. (2020). Classroom videos or transcripts? A quasi-experimental study to assess the effects of media-based learning on pre-service teachers’ situation-specific skills of classroom management. International Journal of Educational Research, 103, Article 101624.
Rüth, M., Breuer, J., Zimmermann, D., & Kaspar, K. (2021). The effects of different feedback types on learning with mobile quiz apps. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, Article 665144.