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Methodology Workshops

IZeF organises methodology workshops approximately every six months. The aim is to qualify young academics in particular to conduct methodologically sound empirical work. As a rule, the workshops are held in cooperation with the Graduate School of the Faculty of Human Sciences of the University of Cologne. National and international experts can regularly be recruited as speakers.

Current Workshops

Workshop “IRT Scaling”

On March 24, 2025, a full-day IRT Scaling workshop will be held at the University of Cologne, led by Prof. Dr. Johannes Harting.

Interested individuals are warmly invited to register and participate in this workshop.

Registration is possible via email at

Workshop “Missing Data in Statistics”

On March 13, 2025, from 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM, the workshop "Missing Data in Statistics" will be held, led by Dr. Alexander Robitzsch.

Missing data often occur in most empirical studies. Missing data may arise because individuals are absent at certain measurement points or refuse to answer specific questions or provide certain information.

In this workshop, we will discuss the two most common methods for handling missing data. First, missing data can be replaced multiple times (multiple imputation), after which the analysis results from the imputed datasets must be appropriately combined. Secondly, a method called full information maximum likelihood (FIML) estimation is often used, where all available information from the involved variables is utilized for the analysis model of interest. The advantages and disadvantages of these two approaches will be discussed during the workshop. We will also focus on handling missing data in moderate sample sizes (N < 500) with many variables, as well as in multilevel structures (students nested in classes or schools) and longitudinal data. The implementation of these methods will be done using the statistical software R.

The workshop will use the free statistical software R (or RStudio). The following R packages need to be installed in addition: mice, miceadds, mitml, lavaan, semTools.

Registration is possible via email at 

Past workshops