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Anniversary celebration

It all depends on the teacher and their teaching. - 10 years of empirical professional and teaching research at the IZeF of the University of Cologne

Registration for the IZeF anniversary celebration on 13.06.2024

You can register for the anniversary celebration using the registration form below. As space is limited, you will receive a separate confirmation of participation from us in addition to the automated registration confirmation.


Please use the registration form to inform us of any special accessibility requirements (e.g. wheelchair spaces, spaces for assistants, need for written or sign language interpreters).
Please also inform us of any special dietary requirements that we would like to take into account when organizing the buffet.

Photography during the event

Your personal rights are important to us. We would therefore like to point out that photographs will be taken at this event. These may be published in connection with reporting on the event on our website, the websites of our cooperation partners, on social media channels and in the regional press.
If you do not wish to be photographed or do not agree to the publication of the photos taken, please indicate this on the registration form.

Please pay attention to our data privacy statement.

Für eine verbindliche Anmeldung füllen Sie bitte das folgende Anmeldeformular aus.
